
We offer several faith and work training and development experiences throughout the year:

A semester-long holistic transformative experience in authentic community — including retreats; workshops for learning, exercises, and discussion; small groups; self-study; and spiritual practices

● In-person in the Peninsula/South Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area
● Next program:  TBD
● Tuition: $800

Learn more here

Download a one-page overview

The Gospel of Work

Six-week small group curriculum on the theology of work, including videos and workbooks chockful of discussion/questions and exercises to stimulate group interaction and individual application; plus a facilitator guide and facilitator training

● For groups everywhere – can be in-person or virtual
● Available on demand
● Cost:  Starting at $25/per participant (scholarships available); licenses are available for purchase by approved organizations and churches

Download a one-page overview

Custom Programs

Contact us to explore developing a program (event, workshop, or retreat) that’s custom-designed for your group.

What Participants Say

I learned that my definition of work and my views on work were very dysfunctional and were not rooted in a true Scriptural basis. The idea that you can worship the Lord through work never crossed my mind. The program changed my views on how to find work in general and it helped me create a mission statement that prevents me from turning work into an idol…and will always be a good challenge and North Star for me.

Dave J.                         
Business Strategy and Operations

This program reminded me that work is all about God, His people, and His Kingdom…Every aspect of work can be spoken to and drawn from God’s values and character, from how we relate to people to how we define success on a project. It has challenged my own faith in a multi-faceted way. I can see how God is using work as an agent to grow me into someone more like Him.

Valerie K.                        
Customer Success

Faith & Work Journey is about faith and work integration. We offer spiritual formation and professional development experiences that help Christian professionals cultivate a vital integration of their faith and work. We are a faith-based non-profit Christian ministry. We offer opportunities to learn how to integrate faith & work, what is the relationship between God & work, how to work as a Christian even if you don't work in a Christian workplace, what is the biblical view on employment, what are biblical principles for career success, how to make Christian career decisions, how to approach evangelism in the workplace in a way that honors God and respects your co-workers, and more. Inspired by Redeemer Church's Center for Faith and Work, Gotham Fellowship, Faith Driven Entrepreneur, Faith and Work Movement, and other organizations including faith-based employee resource groups, Faith & Work Journey is designed to equip and empower Christ-following businesspeople to steward faithfully their professional vocations.