You May Not Work Forever, but
You Will Work for Eternity!
Wait, what?! Yes, we will be working on the other side of life on this planet, and we will continue to work when the new heaven and earth are created. In fact, we may be part of the construction project!
One member of the Menlo Labs Gospel of Work session said this is “one of the most breakthrough concepts from the Faith & Work Journey (F&WJ) curriculum”. We completely agree!
The realization that our work matters today – to our companies, to our families, to us – and into eternity provides a new perspective on our work’s impact in God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven.
It’s not just about the type of work we do, the industry we are in, or the number of people we influence, it is also about the true nature of our work and the way we reflect God in how we do our work.
When we do God’s work on earth, it is for His purpose, and it is because being made in the image of God we are workers, just like God is a worker. And God’s purpose is for now and eternity. When we work here during our earthly lives and do so unto the Lord, then we are becoming more like Jesus, how God designed us to be. And, when that work carries on into eternity, we will continue to be shaped and formed in our souls and, depending on your eschatology (future world beliefs), new bodies.
In the Gospel of Work session, we also talked about the work we do today and how it may change in the future here on earth. For example, I (JuneAn) work for FTC Solar, a solar renewable energy company, and I am the Chief Information Officer (CIO). Hopefully, ten years from now the world will have shifted to solar as its main energy source and the company’s purpose will evolve into the next phase of sustainability for our earth.
And with technology advancements, a CIO role will change with the assistance of AI and robotic automation. The point is that our earthly work meets today’s needs, but our work for God will meet His needs and be far reaching, into eternity. I (Jake) am figuring out my retirement work playlist from incubating a non-profit, to advising technology companies, to helping our kids raise their kids via grandparent duties, to substitute teaching- all of it is still work, and a part of this next phase of my earthly career.
In the Faith & Work Journey Master’s Journey Program, we will talk more about how Work Matters Eternally and the Six Expressions of Faith and Work Integration. The six expressions help us understand the fullness and richness of God’s vision for our work. This framework helps answer why we work, how we should work, and what kind of work we should do. And, and, and, we will talk about the importance of Sabbath rest both in this world and the next
because that too is part of how God will form us in conjunction with our work and our relationships.
Please take the next step and consider joining us at the Fall F&WJ Master’s Program. We have so much to share and learn together!
by Jake Chacko and JuneAn Lanigan,
Members of F&WJ Board